••• “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.” (Quran 3:103) ••• “If you give thanks, I will give you more.” (Quran 14:7) ••• “And whoever puts all his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him.” (Quran 65:3) ••• “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Qur’an 13:11) ••• “Allah is with the doers of good.” (Quran 29:69) ••• “Allah is with those who have patience.” (Quran 2:153) ••• “And whoever holds firmly to Allah has (indeed) been guided to a straight path.” (Quran 3:101) ••• “And He found you lost and guided [you]. And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.” Quran (93:7-8) ••• “Call upon Me, I will respond to you.” (Quran 40:60) •••

Black Muslim Leadership Council Builds Upon Black Muslim Legacy to Advocate for Equity and Justice

The history of Black Muslims in America is one of perseverance and strength. We have been in this country since the Transatlantic Slave Trade and have suffered incalculable traumas and systemic discrimination at the hands of the powers that be. But we have risen above. We are longstanding leaders in the movements for civil rights and social justice; we are trailblazers in education, politics, business, advocacy, medicine, and more; and we are a fast-growing community. Black Muslims make up the largest proportion of the American Muslim community: at least 28% of Muslims are Black, though this data is almost certainly incomplete due to inaccurate census practices. As Islam expands rapidly here in the United States and abroad, the Black Muslim population does as well.

Our community is nuanced and highly diverse – and because of this, our needs are unique as well. We face the same challenges as many other minority racial, ethnic, and religious communities, such as Islamophobia and socioeconomic inequality, but we also face our own standalone host of obstacles. This is why I founded the Black Muslim Leadership Council; I recognized the need to establish a dedicated platform for Black Muslims to advance equity and justice in our communities. In this work, I seek to preserve and build on the legacy and excellence of our ancestors.

Black Muslim Leadership Council is a nonprofit organization dedicated to policy advocacy, voter turnout, civic education, and leadership development and training. We launched in March 2024 and are proud to be one of the first Black American Muslim-led organizations of its kind in the nation. We are a national organization headquartered in Philadelphia. In the year to come, our work will focus on Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia. Our strategy and policy agenda are guided by the Black Muslim Leadership Political Roundtable, a group of leaders, experts, scholars, and activists from across the nation.

Our domestic policy agenda spotlights the need for reform and investment in some of the most prominent issues confronting our community: public safety and gun violence, housing equity, economic opportunity, education, mental health, Black maternal health, and more. We call for effective, sustained action from our governmental bodies with an emphasis on addressing systemic discrimination and oppression. Our efforts are supported by our extensive relationships with local, state, and federal government officials, as well as our proven track record of success in policy advocacy. This advocacy work is carried out in coordination with our 501(c)(4) advocacy arm, the Black Muslim Leadership Council Fund.

In many ways, this work is the culmination of my personal and professional life up to this point. I was raised in the Philadelphia Muslim community as part of the Dar-ul-Islam Movement. My parents, Imam Asim Abdur-Rashid (rahimahullah) and Majeedah Rashid, were community leaders their entire lives, pioneers in our Ummah (My father was a founding member of MANA!). They were great sources of inspiration to me. My dedication to community, service, and equality, formed from an early age, was the foundation upon which I built my career. I am an award-winning justice and policy advocate with experience working from the grassroots to federal levels to mobilize communities and develop leaders. In addition to founding the Black Muslim Leadership Council, I am the Founder & CEO of the award-winning Evolve Solutions, a government affairs and community engagement consulting firm founded in 2010 to address the racial and socio-economic disparities within urban communities. I hope to use the professional expertise I have acquired to uplift and empower my community.

In my work, I am inspired by those who came before me and those I work with and meet daily. From the rural areas outside of Philadelphia to the depths of the Atlanta urban scene and far beyond, I see the power of our community. I see the momentum that we have to build a better future. I see boundless possibilities.

It is deeply important that the Black Muslim community is civically engaged and that we work together to build political power. To have our unique needs met, we must ensure we are heard, and this means presenting a robust, united, energized front to those in positions of power and to society at large.

I believe in this community. We are our ancestor’s wildest dreams, and we will inspire many generations that come after us. The work that we are doing today will leave an imprint on our world long after our days on this earth. I look forward to working with MANA, other Black American Muslim organizations, and our broader community to build a beautiful world rooted in justice and equity.

Learn more about our work and get involved at blackmuslimleadership.org.

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