••• “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.” (Quran 3:103) ••• “If you give thanks, I will give you more.” (Quran 14:7) ••• “And whoever puts all his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him.” (Quran 65:3) ••• “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Qur’an 13:11) ••• “Allah is with the doers of good.” (Quran 29:69) ••• “Allah is with those who have patience.” (Quran 2:153) ••• “And whoever holds firmly to Allah has (indeed) been guided to a straight path.” (Quran 3:101) ••• “And He found you lost and guided [you]. And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.” Quran (93:7-8) ••• “Call upon Me, I will respond to you.” (Quran 40:60) •••

Successful Couples Keep God at the Center of Their Marriage

We have been taught by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that two negroes will soon tire of each other in a modern-day marriage. Our knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are infantile, so we revert back to immature thinking and acting in our marriages. Due to the fact that many of us did not see healthy relationships, we repeat the same toxic behaviors we saw growing up in our marriages. We live in a world of wickedness and degeneracy and we are pulling our marital knowledge from these sources. We thank Allah (God) for freely giving us a new knowledge of self and of each other. 

In the Final Call Newspaper, in an article entitled Rebuilding the Family, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan shared with us what are Allah’s (God’s) thoughts and ways for human beings, for the institution of marriage, and for the development of the family. His thoughts and His ways are found in the nature of what He created. Let us then look into the Bible and Holy Qur’an to see Allah’s (God’s) purpose for the male and the female, His purpose for marriage, and His purpose for family.

In the Bible, we are taught that Allah (God) made man and woman in His Image and after His Likeness. This tells us that both males and females are created by Allah (God) to manifest His Divine Characteristics in their pursuit of life in their relationship with each other and in their relationship with other human beings. We are the exact opposite. Allah (God) says in the Bible that He created the human being to have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. In the Qur’an, Allah (God) states that He created man to stand in His place. This means that He created the human being to rule the earth and even the heavens, but, to rule in the way that He set up His creation to be ruled. Our fall, by sin and the resultant spiritual death of the human being, causes us to be in a state so far from what our purpose is that both man and woman are nothing more than a caricature of themselves. The Bible teaches that Allah (God) gave man instructions to multiply, replenish, and subdue the earth. 

So we can see the great importance of couples keeping God at the center of their marriage. Most importantly, you need to place God at the center of your relationship. When you realize God is the center, then you realize your marriage is not all about you. This teaches you humility. By following God, you can understand what He desires in your relationship, and you place His desires above yours. Every husband should have God in between him and his wife and his wife should have God between her and her husband. Remember that God created your wife. Remember that God created your husband.

By keeping God at the center you will be more careful of what you say. The more you follow God way, you will grow His own characteristics in you. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said that honesty and truthfulness are at the root of all the good characteristics of the human being. In our marriage relationship, when we break our oath, or are deceptive with our word, we are now becoming deceitful or false. Since we are created in truth, when we behave deceitfully or falsely, we suffer the pangs of guilt. When we suffer the pangs of guilt, it shows up in our eyes, in our facial expression, and it begins to interfere with the rhythm of our bodies, which are created to move to the rhythm of truth, which is the rhythm of life. 

We must be careful that we don’t make the marriage about us and our feelings. What if you could hear everything that you said to your spouse through their ears? If you could, would you keep on talking like everything was ok, or would you every now and then stop talking because you felt the pain of your words in the same way that your spouse did? Would you then start crafting your words more carefully before you spoke to them because you now know that the impact of your words would affect you in the same way that they would affect your spouse? You may not have thought about the words that you speak to your spouse in this way, but it’s important that you do. Otherwise, you’ll continue as usual, not understanding the impact that your words have on your spouse as you try to resolve conflict in marriage. If God was present in your living room as you speak would He be proud of the way you speak to your wife? To your husband?

One of the greatest things you can do in your marriage is to pray. This is one of those keys that takes so little time from jampacked days but gives you space to breathe together. Up in the morning with the rising sun, at 12:00 noon, when the sun is in its zenith, around 4:00 p.m., and when the sun is departing, and before bed each night, you should pray and seek God’s assistance. You should pray right after you tuck the little ones into bed and say prayers with them, pray with your partner. It is essential that you teach your children to pray and to seek God’s face.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan teaches us that No “spirit” kidnapped us, no “spirit” robbed us, no “spirit” enslaved us, but the spirit of rebellion to God manifests in the flesh.  We were not permitted to pray to our God; we were not permitted to say our prayers in the original language of our prayers.  Anyone who said the name “Allah” was killed … .  So, the song that our fathers sang, “Couldn’t hear nobody pray,”—because it meant death to hear us pray like we were taught; that has been with us not from the time of Muhammad, but before Abraham was. 

Take a few minutes to offer thanks and grace to God and each other. These quiet moments when you invite God into your marriage help to strengthen your emotional connection to God and your partner. If you are experiencing any problems or challenges in dealing with your spouse, you should confront your spouse’s Creator to help you to be successful with them. Seek His help and His guidance first. If we are praying first then we can understand why the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us to think five times before we speak.

We offer counseling classes for you, and to schedule, please call 770-256-8856. Our website is www.themarriagekeepers.com.

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